Ceremonial Facilitation for

Womb Rites of Passage

I love offering ceremonies to individuals and families. It’s important to me to co create safe spaces together and collaborate around what is most supportive of your process.

Some of the things I offer include:

  • Mother Blessing Ceremonies

  • Rites of Passage Ceremony for girls Menarche (first period)

  • Postpartum Portal Closing: Womb Massage, Yoni Steam, Herbal Bath, Closing of the Bones

  • Conception Portal Opening

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum Herbal Baths

  • Placenta Ceremonies

  • Womb Closing Ceremony after Miscarriage or Abortion

  • Birth Story Integration

“For each of us as women, there is a deep place within, where hidden and growing our true spirit rises…Within these deep places, each one holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman’s place of power within each of us…it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep.” 
–Audre Lorde

Mother Blessing Ceremony

Mother Blessing is an intimate celebration inspired by an ancient Navajo ceremony that honors the pregnant mother as she prepares to give birth. 

The act of birth is seen as a rite of passage for women, and this ceremony creates a sacred space for women to be witnessed and celebrated as they prepare to birth themselves into motherhood, and birth their baby from womb to world.

All around the world, there have been many traditions where the community comes together in an ancient ceremony to release fears of birth, and shower blessings, love, and prayers on the expectant mother. 

Coming together with birthing families for these celebrations is a part of my work I cherish deeply.

“Woman is the first environment. In pregnancy our bodies sustain life. At the breast of women, the generations are nourished. From the bodies of women flows the relationship of those generations both to society and the natural world. In this way the earth is our mother, the old people said in this way we as women are earth.”
—Katsi Cook Mohawk midwife

I had the absolutely amazing opportunity to experience the mother blessing facilitated by doulas Katia and Ari.  I was so touched by this beautiful experience that I couldn’t hold back the tears! Tears of pure JOY!  I felt truly honored and empowered on my birthing journey through the mother blessing.  10 days later my baby girl was born and her home birth was everything I had hoped for.  I also had the pleasure of a postpartum ayurvedic massage from Katia.  I would highly recommend this to any new mother.  Katia’s massage was incredibly healing. It felt amazing and just what I needed in the postpartum time. Thank you Katia!!!!


—Kelly Brown 

I am so glad that Katia reached out and offered to do a mother's blessing for me. I did not know what to expect at first, but the blessing unfolded in such a beautiful way. I felt very held and comforted by the sacred space Katia created for us. It really was something special that I did not even realize I needed. The blessing was pure sweetness and full of great energy. Thank you for offering your love and practice in this way. We feel so ready to embark on this journey of parenthood and to leave behind all the fears. So much gratitude for you sharing your prayers, time, kind words, and beautiful voice with our family.

—Shadaye H

My MOTHER BLESSING (blessed path)   surrounded by a tribe of beautiful women who came to fill me with love, support and encouragement, and help me feel mentally, physically and emotionally ready to give birth. The ceremony was held to prepare me as the expectant mother of my baby for my next birthing journey. .

THANK YOU to the women who came to fill me with love, for opening their hearts to me, for their friendship and their love. Thank you for watching and reminding me of who I am and what I am capable of.  And a special thanks to Katia and Ari for organizing this unforgettable celebration for me!

—Rose Hoyos