Ayurvedic Postpartum Training


Learn how to support new mothers in the first 42 days after birth with Ayurveda and the wise woman tradition of healing and join a community of other Ayurvedic postpartum caregivers.

Through this in person, experiential training you will understand how to support mamas through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

We will learn about abhyanga, womb massage, nourishing foods, herbal support, medicinal oils, ayurvedic postpartum rituals and practice bodywork therapies for postpartum healing.

Nourish (5 Day Program)
Rejuvenate (7 Day Program)
Transform (11 Day Program)

Module 1 Ayurvedic Foundations and the 4 Pillars of Postpartum Healing

  • Foundations of Ayurveda and the Wise Woman Tradition. 

  • Agni (digestion), Ama (toxicity), Dhatus (bodily tissues), Doshas and Gunas (qualities)

  • Overview of the four pillars of postpartum healing


Module 2 Pre-Conception, Conception and Pregnancy 

  • Ayurveda's recommendations for preconception, including dietary and lifestyle practices to support fertility

  • Learn about what nourishes mamas and their growing baby throughout pregnancy and the role that the doshas play. 

  • pregnancy imbalances and how to treat them from an ayurvedic perspective, as well as specific things to do in each month of pregnancy to support baby’s nourishment and development. 

  • Ancient Ayurvedic rituals to support conscious conception 

Module 3 Ayurvedic Labor Support & Lactation 

  • Understand the doshas role during labor & birth

  • Ayurvedic approach to labor support 

  • Stanya vidyam- breastfeeding

  • Ayurvedic treatments for low milk supply 

  • Understand the root causes of imbalances in the postpartum time from an Ayurvedic perspective and how to balance them 

Module 4 Building Ojas and Tending Agni

  • Establishing healthy agni (digestive fire)

  • Ayurvedic postpartum nutrition & nourishment 

  • Learn how to prepare Ayurvedic herbal medicine for the postpartum time 

  • Learn about Rasayana for postpartum 

  • Understand the postpartum window as a portal of healing and how to support a sacred container for the postpartum family to thrive

Module 5 Bodywork Therapies 

  • Learn and practice hands-on therapies for postpartum healing

  • Practice Abhyanga oil treatment, use of oils, herbs, and traditional techniques

  • Abdominal womb massage

  • Marma therapy

Module 6 Ayurvedic Rituals & Somatic Practices for Postpartum 

  • Ayurvedic belly wrapping 

  • Learn the art of postpartum herbal bath rituals

  • Learn somatic practices to support nervous system regulation in the postpartum time

  • Postpartum pelvic steams, when and when not, and what herbs to use

  • Baby Abhyanga

Who is this for?

For birthworkers, mamas, doulas, Ayurvedic counselors or practitioners, and anyone preparing for their own experience of bringing a baby into the world or wanting to learn how to nourish and support families in the sacred postpartum time with Ayurveda.

Katia is an Ayurvedic Practitioner specializing in Postpartum care, Birth & Womb worker, Folk Herbalist, Bodyworker, Childbirth Educator, Birth & Postpartum Doula & Mama

6 classes will take place at a beautiful private location on the westside of Santa Cruz, CA.

March 17th, 24rd, 30th and April 7th, 13th & 14th

2.5 hours, 1:30-4pm, $480

Why Ayurveda for the postpartum time?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic medical system that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Like any medical system, it has a clear, documented way of understanding the body, both physically and psychologically. Known as the science of life, ayurveda teaches that the elements that exist in nature, also exist in us, and play an important role in maintaining the health of our bodies and minds. Ayurveda offers a profound approach to tending postpartum, full of ancient wisdom and love.

The postpartum wisdom of how to support mamas and new families has been forgotten, in our modern culture the word postpartum is synonymous with postpartum depression and many of the disorders that arise are actually a symptom of lack of support and dishonoring of the motherbaby dyad. Ayurveda recognizes this postpartum is a time when the mothers health and physiology is as delicate as her newborn baby. With the right support, postpartum can be an incredibly healing time. The postpartum window requires a specific container of trust and nourishment to hold the newborn parents as they transform. Respecting and centering the motherbaby dyad opens up possibilities to heal generational trauma.

.After experiencing my own healing postpartum portal I am more passionate than ever about sharing the wisdom of how to tend and support this incredibly sacred, vulnerable, challenging, intense and miraculous time.

The health of this world begins with nourished mothers and thriving families.
As we tend to the postpartum portal,
the entire web is strengthened

Email me to Register!