Holistic Counseling Sessions

Within this intimate container, I create a space of safety, attunement and compassionate presence in which you are supported to explore what is asking to be felt. I work with the physical body, and psychospiritual aspects of each person to help build greater integration between all parts of yourself. 

My approach is holistic, honoring the uniqueness of each individual. I work as a guide here to be a resource for connecting to your cyclical nature, the innate wisdom of your body, and to support you in accessing and feeling empowered in your unique healing process. 

 These sessions are trauma informed and I weave together somatic approaches to therapy, traditional Ayurvedic medicine, women's spirituality, and ancestral earth-based rituals. My sessions are influenced by my fascination, study and embodied experience of the cyclical nature of womanhood, the birth continuum and mothering.

My areas of speciality are working with fertility, preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, birth integration, ancestral and womb healing. Additionally I also mentor birth workers and healers wanting to integrate ayurveda and embodied herbalism into their practice through 1:1 sessions. 

To schedule, please respond to the following questions and I will be in touch within the coming days.

Sessions are 1 hour and take place on zoom or in person.

Sliding scale $70-130

Womb Healing Sesions

Abdominal uterine massage opens up channels, moves blockages, increases circulation, brings warmth, intention, and awareness to this place we so often disconnect from. The womb is the root and holds memory, sensations and energy. I weave in somatic dialogue, plants, herbal oils, and hot stones to support our healing work together.

Sessions are 1.5 hr in person.

Sliding scale $150-170

“Katia welcomes a co created space, we start by checking in and come into presence together through a brief meditation before I get on the table.

I’ve been brought to tears by the beauty that has come forth through these sessions and the depth that Katia can hold. As feelings or sensations may arise Katia intuitively asks questions, bringing me into a deeper state of presence and connection to what sensations and feelings I’m experiencing. We’ve done deep healing work by tending to ancestral trauma held in my womb space.

Katia crafts beautiful oils that have welcomed a reconnection to plant allys for me. I feel pampered every time by the deep care katia offers. Describing the beauty of Katias work is hard to put into words, I highly recommend working with her to have a direct experience of your own. “

-Emily Bendavid

“Katia bridges the spiritual realm to the physical body. She creates a space that feels safe, honorable and feminine. I trusted her to guide me through a life changing experience and I would recommend her care to all women in search of healing and transformation.”

-Kaelin Bovee

“I had a beautiful session with Katia. She is a magical human being and the session with her was full of love and support. I took a three hour drive to Santa Cruz for an abdominal massage and got more than what I expected from it. I left with a lot of clarity , inner peace and a resolution to my struggle. I recommend her very much! Speechless what you can get out of the sessions with Katia.”

-Alejandra Barocio

“Katia is a rare and gifted healer. The purity of her being and the gentle presence in her gaze is not something that can be taught. Her level of training, dedication and skills only increase her capacity for offering grace filled healing. Sessions with Katia are physically nurturing, emotionally nourishing, and allow for deep ancestral soul release and re-organization in the tissues and beyond.

-Gitanjali Hemp