It is my profound honor to stand by mothers during their sacred postpartum time.

I believe in the importance of being witnessed during this immensely transformative window. The ritual of regular postpartum care provides a container in which mothers can feel held and seen. 

Embarking on your postpartum journey with me involves:

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine and postpartum bodywork, including Abhyanga (full body warm oil massage), Womb Basti, Womb Moxibustion, Yoni Steaming, Herbal Baths and Belly Binding. 

As a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner specializing in postpartum care, I bring a decade of experience giving ayurvedic bodywork treatments and supporting people with nutrient dense, ayurvedic foods. I offer Nutrition guidance based on Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese Medicine principles of postpartum nourishment. A deep understanding of each phase of postpartum healing and how your to tend to your digestive system using warmth, herbal medicine and cooking techniques to support the revitalisation of your Agni and Ojas.I’m passionate about offering Ayurvedic wisdom and education of traditional postpartum care principles and practices so that you deeply understand how to be best nourished throughout your journey.

As a trained herbalist, I work with each person to create an individualized herbal protocol.  As an experienced postpartum doula, I integrate evidence-based practices and lactation support along with traditional Ayurvedic postpartum practices for both mama and baby. 

As a womb continuum practitioner I bring a deep understanding of how to support the uterus to recover in this time, tending to your womb and any after birth pains with gentleness and warmth.

As a somatic centered healer, through my work with clients as well as my own life healing journey, I have learned to bring a somatic awareness and emotionally attuned presence, compassionate heart, and an ability to hold you with empathy, in whatever you may be experiencing.

As a Ceremonilast I celebrate, honor and mark the rites of passage you are traversing through your birthing and postpartum portal. Weaving reverence and ritual through every milestone and honoring your transition on your unique path of matrescense.

My postpartum package is customized to meet each individual's needs.  My approach to postpartum is designed to bring deep nourishment, support nervous system regulation, hormonal balance, and be a grounding, strengthening resource for families.Whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually, I am here to support your postpartum healing.

Rejuvenate (7 Day Program)
Transform (11 Day Program)

Nourished Postpartum Package


  • 1 Ayurvedic consultation before birth: to understand your postpartum needs, your health, and to personalize your postpartum nutrition/herbal program. (1 hour)

  • 5 in-home sessions after birth 

  • Loving support throughout your Sacred Window (40 Days) journey.

  • 1 Birth Portal Closing Ceremony 

  • Customized herbal formulas for infusions, baths and pelvic steams

    1. Ayurvedic herbal oil for massage

    2. Belly binding materials and more 

In-home Postpartum Sessions:

Postpartum sessions are intuitively led by what you may be needing on that given day. I weave in spiritual and emotional support along with Ayurvedic healing modalities to support you in your postpartum recovery and rejuvenation.

Each 3 hour postpartum visit may include: 

  • Abhyanga (postpartum massage)

  • Lactation support

  • Birth integration support

  • Emotional Support for the postpartum time  

  • Abdominal womb massage

  • Postpartum belly binding

  • Womb basti 

  • Womb moxibustion 

  • Womb castor oil packs 

  • Ayurvevedic herbal bath or foot soak 

  • Yoni steam

  • Nutritional support

  • Sitz Baths 

  • Birth Portal Closing Ceremony

  • Support with sleep for both mama and baby

*Optional add on services:

  • Ayurvedic meal service 

  • Mother blessing ceremony

  • Placenta burial ceremony

  • Postpartum planning & education (3 session series)