
Hi, I’m Katia,

I’m a Mother, Womb & Birth Worker, Ayurvedic Practitioner specializing in Postpartum Care, Ceremonialist, Folk Herbalist, Eco-Somatic guide, Woman’s Circle Facilitator, and Childbirth Educator.

I see birth and postpartum as ceremony, and our living earth as our larger body. I believe that healing begins at the root~ Earth, Birth, and Womb.

I believe that birth is a sacred rite of passage and that the beginning of a child’s life lays the foundation for both the newborn and the family for years to come. I have spent many years working in the field of postpartum as an ayurvedic practitioner and doula. After becoming a mother, I am more passionate and inspired than ever to share about how the wisdom of Ayurveda can support families in the postpartum time.

I began my study of Ayurveda when I traveled to India at the age of 19. Upon returning to California, I enrolled in the College of Ayurveda at the Mount Madonna Institute, graduating as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. I have spent many years studying under the close supervision of world renowned Ayurvedic Doctors such as Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Rucha Kelkar and Dr. Sarita Shresta Ayurvedic OB/GYN. After graduating, I went on to intern and work at some of the top Ayurvedic clinics in the Bay area. I continue my studies through ongoing coursework. In 2020 I deepened my knowledge and hands-on experience in Ayurvedic Women’s Health, completing a year long masters level internship in Ayurvedic Obstetrics. 

In 2019 I completed a year-long process of initiation, a journey through the four major phases in a woman's life cycle. This experience has inspired and strengthened my work. I came to realize how vital it is for women in this modern age to mark the significant moments on our journey.

My passion for eco-somatic approaches to therapy, traditional Ayurvedic medicine, women's spirituality, and ancestral earth-based rituals all culminated in my 1:1 holistic counseling sessions and my in-person course Seasons of the Womb. I am dedicated to supporting women in feeling at home in their bodies and living with a deeper sense of belonging. This course is rooted in the understanding that the health of earth and womb are intimately connected.

I believe the cycles of our bodies are a microcosm of the larger planetary and cosmic cycles. This mystery of interconnection weaves throughout every aspect of my work. I have been living in apprenticeship to these ways for 10 years now, and with each year that passes more devotion and attunement to the Wheel of the Year and the Womb Mysteries is revealed. I am an eternal student. I trust in the rhythm of life and I am in awe of women's capacity to heal.

In my free time, I love creating earth mandalas, making art, singing, cultivating deep friendship, spending time with my husband and our little one in wild places, cooking and eating yummy food, dancing and trees!

I dedicate my work to all of my incredible teachers, who have generously shared their wisdom and guided me onto this path of service. I am humbled by the power of birth and death, and by my own ever-unfolding healing journey.

I am honored and humbled to be of service in the most tender and sacred of life's moments.

Certifications,Trainings and Qualifications

  • Somatic Trauma Therapy Training for Professionals; Manuela Mischke-Reeds

  • Masters Immersion in Ayurvedic Obstetrics; Arya Ayurveda 

  • Integrative Pelvic Therapy Mentorship & Certification; DR. Kathryn Kloos

  • Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner; Mt. Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda

  • Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor; Mt. Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda

  • Somatic Pre and Perinatal Psychology Course 

  • Certified Birth Doula; The Matrona

  • Certified Postpartum Doula

  • Postpartum Abdominal Massage & Belly Binding Course; La Matriz

  • Holistic Childbirth Education; The Matrona

  • Panchakarma Internship at Living Ayurveda 

  • Panchakarma Therapist at Ayurvedic Healing 

  • Ayurvedic Bodywork intensive; MMI 

  • Assistant Teacher for Ayurvedic Bodywork Classes at MMI

  • Assistant Teacher for Ayurvedic Health Counselor Class at MMI