About Katia
Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner specializing in Women’s health
Ceremonialist | Woman’s Circle Facilitator | Birth Consultant & Childbirth Educator | Bodyworker
Herbalist | Womb Continuum Practitioner | Birth & Postpartum Doula | Mother
Katia Winter founder of Womb Ways
Katia is a Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner specializing in Streeroga and Prasooti Tantra (Women’s Health and Maternal Care). She supports her clients through one-on-one womb healing, preconception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum & beyond. She also offers mentorship and training for birth workers, women’s circles, ceremonial support through the childbearing continuum, and womb rites of passage.
Katia is a childbirth educator, herbalist, birth worker, Ayurvedic postpartum specialist, bodyworker and ceremonialst. She works holistically, with an emphasis on emotional healing, womb healing, somatics and the nervous system. She spent many years working in the field of birth & postpartum as an ayurvedic practitioner and doula. After becoming a mother, she is more passionate and inspired than ever to share about how the wisdom of Ayurveda can support families from preconception through postpartum.
She has had the opportunity to travel and study in India, and has studied with teachers such as Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Sarita Shresta Ayurvedic Midwife and OB/GYN, and Dr. Rucha Kelkar. She spent 4 years at the Mount Madonna Institute studying in the Ayurvedic Practitioner program, and worked and trained under master Ayurvedic doctors and Panchakarma specialists, where she learned and practiced in depth traditional Ayurvedic bodywork. She then went on to deepen her knowledge in Ayurvedic women’s health, completing a masters level internship in Ayurvedic Obstetrics with Dr. Amrutha Athale.
She practices with gratitude to her teachers, reverence for this ancient wisdom and devotion to the wombs and mothers of this world.
Certifications,Trainings and Qualifications
Somatic Trauma Therapy Training for Professionals; Manuela Mischke-Reeds
Masters Immersion in Ayurvedic Obstetrics; Amrita Athale
Integrative Pelvic Therapy Mentorship & Certification; DR. Kathryn Kloos
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner; Mt. Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda
Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor; Mt. Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda
Somatic Pre and Perinatal Psychology Course
Certified Birth Doula; The Matrona
Certified Postpartum Doula
Postpartum Abdominal Massage & Belly Binding Course; La Matriz
Holistic Childbirth Education; The Matrona
Panchakarma Internship at Living Ayurveda
Panchakarma Therapist at Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurvedic Bodywork intensive; MMI
Assistant Teacher for Ayurvedic Bodywork Classes at MMI
Assistant Teacher for Ayurvedic Health Counselor Class at MMI
I honor and acknowledge that many of the practices and modalities I offer are rooted in ancient and sacred cultures. It is with deep reverence that I share these modalities, and with Immense gratitude to the Nepali and Indian teachers who have lovingly passed down their wisdom. May these practices and traditions continue to flourish, and may they nourish, empower and heal the wombs and mothers of this world.