I offer compassionate, trauma informed care for those experiencing a loss of pregnancy.
No matter the outcome of your pregnancy- miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, your body, heart and spirit are deserving of nurturing support.
If you’ve ever been pregnant, you are postpartum, and require postpartum care- healing bodywork, nourishing foods, herbal support, and emotional support.
I am humbled to have supported many through this experience, and believe wholeheartedly in the power of being witnessed and supported to mark this initiation with ceremony. I believe no person should have to go through this alone, and that everyone deserves to have companionship and support through their grief, physical symptoms, and the full spectrum of their experience.
I meet you where you are, and together we explore what will feel most supportive for you.
I offer presence & love, information, resources, herbal support, Ayurvedic postpartum care, and ceremonial facilitation (if desired).
Virtual & In-person support available.
All of my pregnancy loss support is donation based.