Restoring connection to Earth~Womb~Body

Welcome! I’m Katia

I’m here to walk beside you, witness you and support you as you cross through gateways of transformation into your wholeness. I am here to be a resource for connecting to your cyclical nature and the innate wisdom of your body.

I see birth and postpartum as ceremony, and our living earth as our larger body. I offer postpartum planning and birth education for families as well as mentorship for birth workers wanting to integrate Ayurveda into their practice. I provide holistic somatic counseling sessions, womb healing sessions and preconception support, as well as ceremonial facilitation through the childbearing continuum and womb rites of passage. These offerings are influenced by my fascination, study and embodied experience of the cyclical nature of womanhood, the birth continuum and mothering. They honor and bear witness to a women’s experience from menarche to postpartum.

My passion for eco-somatic approaches to therapy, traditional Ayurvedic medicine, women's spirituality, and ancestral earth-based rituals all culminated in my 1:1 holistic counseling sessions and my in-person course Seasons of the Womb.

This course is a year long healing container and journey around the Wheel of the Year. It is a safe space to gather in sisterhood, ceremony, ritual, and reclamation of our cyclical wisdom.

I am dedicated to supporting women to feel at home in their bodies and live with a deeper sense of belonging.

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
—Diane Mariechild

1:1 Sessions

Work with me 1:1 in an Within this intimate container.  These sessions are trauma informed and I weave together traditional Ayurvedic medicine, women's spirituality, somatic healing and ancestral earth-based rituals.

Seasons of the Womb

Year long Women’s Circle gathering around the Wheel of the Year. Remembering Cyclical Womb and Earth Wisdom

Ayurvedic Postpartum Mentorship &Training

Learn to support mothers during the postpartum time with traditional Ayurvedic wisdom, bodywork, herbs and nourishing foods

Ceremony & Ritual

Ceremonial services through the womb and child-bearing continuum, mother blessing, postpartum closing, rights of passage,

  • “Katia is a rare and gifted healer. The purity of her being and the gentle presence in her gaze is not something that can be taught. Her level of training, dedication and skills only increase her capacity for offering grace filled healing. Sessions with Katia are physically nurturing, emotionally nourishing, and allow for deep ancestral soul release and re-organization in the tissues and beyond.

    -Gitanjali Hemp

  • “Katia bridges the spiritual realm to the physical body. She creates a space that feels safe, honorable and feminine. I trusted her to guide me through a life changing experience and I would recommend her care to all women in search of healing and transformation.”
    —Kaelin Bovee

  • “Katia welcomes a co created space, we start by checking in and come into presence together through a brief meditation before I get on the table.

    I’ve been brought to tears by the beauty that has come forth through these sessions and the depth that Katia can hold. As feelings or sensations may arise Katia intuitively asks questions, bringing me into a deeper state of presence and connection to what sensations and feelings I’m experiencing. We’ve done deep healing work by tending to ancestral trauma held in my womb space.

    Katia crafts beautiful oils that have welcomed a reconnection to plant allys for me. I feel pampered every time by the deep care katia offers. Describing the beauty of Katias work is hard to put into words, I highly recommend working with her to have a direct experience of your own. “

    -Emily Bendavid

  • “Katia sets a grounding tone and creates a space of safety. She teaches us how to circle and how to create a space of true vulnerabilty. She shows us how to honor the earth with her mandala offerings and she creates conversations to become curious of our bodies as women. She enlivens us to use our voices through song circle, provokes us to dive deeper into questioning our many roles as women. She has shown us how to tend to all the different parts of ourselves with tenderness as well as the other women in our lives. She is the truest example of how to show up authentically.” -Katie

  • “Katia has the heart of an angel! She is a wise, knowledgeable, loving, and kind person that has helped many women (including myself) feel strong and ready for birth. Her calm steadiness is very noticeable and much appreciated. I had the birth of my dreams all due to Katia’s help and guidance.”
    —Ilma Wasserman

  • “I feel extremely honored that I got to experience Katia's course Seasons of Womb. Katia did a wonderful job creating such a beautiful circle. The space allowed me to feel safe to share from a deeply vulnerable heart. I felt in total community with all of the women who circled together. Katia shared Celtic folklore which connected us to our own cycles and wombs, as well as the season we were in. I would absolutely do the course again in the future. Katia has a true gift of creating a beautiful community.” Chloe Newton

  • “Working with Katia was a dream come true! I was able to receive support from her through every stage - preconception with Ayurvedic bodywork and womb massage, throughout pregnancy with prenatal massage and doula support, during our incredible birth, and for 6 weeks postpartum. It was an ideal plan, and Katia was phenomenal in every role. She has mastered her craft of offering bodywork, and is especially attuned to supporting women in every phase of the childbearing year. As our birth doula, she far exceeded our expectations of how much a doula can support the mom and family. She is able to tune into exactly what is needed in each moment, and knows when to step in to offer help and when to simply hold space. I was also especially grateful for her care in the postpartum time. Her visits would restore and nourish me so I could continue to heal and to care for my baby. I couldn't have wished for a more perfect person to be by my side during this profound year for myself and my family. I can't recommend Katia highly enough for any part (or better yet, every part!) of the birthing journey.”
    —Jessica Fortino

  • “Katia is a phenomenal body intuitive with a healing touch. I continue to go back and receive womb sessions from Katia because I feel so held, honored and cared for. She really takes her time. She infuses her hot oil massage and hot stone massage with beautiful womb & energy healing as well as a deeply loving touch The space and vibe of her practice is next level beautiful, super relaxing and it feels very comforting. Couldn’t recommend it more highly!”
    —Samantha Stelk

  • “I had so much healing success with the herbal formulas Katia made, but most importantly I appreciated how attentive she listened and supported how I really felt in my body. Which then supported our dialogue around my body and made me feel comfortable and at ease. Katia is a wonderful and skilled Ayurvedic practitioner and not only understands, but also loves what she does.”
    —Jameelah Johnson

  • “I had a beautiful session with Katia. She is a magical human being and the session with her was full of love and support. I took a three hour drive to Santa Cruz for an abdominal massage and got more than what I expected from it. I left with a lot of clarity, inner peace and a resolution to my struggle. I recommend her very much! Speechless what you can get out of the sessions with Katia”
    —Alejandra Barocio

  • “My experience in this circle was so sweet and nourishing! Katia beautifully wove Celtic lore with the traditions of the wheel of the year and the womb cycles of the earth and our bodies. I loved gathering and celebrating around the solstices and equinoxes and everything in between. My experience has helped me embrace the change of the seasons with ritual and a true honoring of the times. This circle helped to fill that longing and need to gather with women that so many of us feel, and is an important cornerstone to healing & remembrance on this planet.” Sheyna Holmes

  • “I am so glad that Katia reached out and offered to do a mother's blessing for me. I did not know what to expect at first, but the blessing unfolded in such a beautiful way. I felt very held and comforted by the sacred space Katia created for us. It really was something special that I did not even realize I needed. The blessing was pure sweetness and full of great energy. Thank you for offering your love and practice in this way. We feel so ready to embark on this journey of parenthood and to leave behind all the fears. So much gratitude for you sharing your prayers, time, kind words, and beautiful voice with our family.”

  • “Katia is a godsend. My gratitude for the support she has provided my wife and I throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is truly infinite. She is competent, grounding, and emotionally attuned. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to go through this process without her.”
    —Nick Fortino

  • “All Mamas deserve to experience the magical touch of Katia’s postpartum offerings. My friends gifted me an abhyanga massage, herbal bath, Ayurvedic food and belly-binding from her at one week postpartum, and it was exactly what my mind, body & soul desired! She walked in the room with a bright vibrant energy that was refreshing & restorative, and put me at ease. Her mindful presence & intentionally delivered offerings felt supportive & nourishing, and allowed my body to melt into pleasure for the first time postpartum. Katia offered a sweet curiosity for my birth story while holding a sacred container for the raw state I was in. She truly felt like an old friend showing up to give me the tender love & healing I needed to honor myself postpartum!”
    —Rebecca Epperly

  • “I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Katia before and after the birth of my second son. Given the complications and lack of in-person support due to the pandemic, it was an amazing experience to have Katia listen and hold space for all my emotions, concerns and fears. She provided a safe, outside perspective on all that I was facing and offered me concrete steps to prepare for my birth and postpartum period. Katia combined her doula knowledge and her ayurvedic training to provide me holistic emotional and physical care. Katia has an amazing energy about her and just spending time with her brought me much more confidence in myself and tranquility about what my body and mind were experiencing. Working with Katia helped me through my pregnancy and prepared me for motherhood of two children in ways I did not expect or know I needed. I loved working with her and wish I had met her during my first pregnancy!”
    —Kerry Cavanough

  • “It was a pleasure working with Katia as my Ayurvedic Practitioner. She was attentive at listening to my health concerns and guided me on how I could make improvements on my health without drastically changing my current lifestyle. With her advice and Herbal formulas, I saw amazing improvements on my physiological, emotional and mental health. I can’t recommend her enough!”
    —Mai Nhia Yang

  • “Katia was a grounding presence after the birth of my son. The weekly abhyangas were so relaxing and rejuvenating and the right amount of me time during the hectic first few months. Katia is knowledgeable, kind and a total treasure to welcome into your space during this tender time. She also gave our son his first abhyanga which has become a nightly routine. Can’t recommend her highly enough.”
    —Kat Karpati

  • “Katia is a light of pure love, wisdom, and knowledge. She was my Ayurvedic birth and postpartum doula. Her presence alone was like having sunshine in our home, let alone her magnitude of skills and devotional service she brought to our family. She has a poignant way of connecting right to your heart with total empathy, warmth and spaciousness all at once. As a new mama, this is an invaluable level of support that is not easy to come by. House cleaning, cooking, and baby help are all wonderful and necessary, but to have someone like Katia, keenly tuned into your emotional state, is a rare find and true blessing.

    Katia is both a deeply trained Ayurvedic practitioner as well as a doula. My husband and I felt so relaxed when receiving her support because of her ability to integrate her Ayurvedic and baby knowledge so well. Oftentimes she saw a way she could help bring more balance and peace—and she would just initiate it, almost like a quiet elf. One of the things I found overwhelming as a new mom receiving help, was having to manage my helpers and give direction. I barely had to do this with Katia. It was as if she saw and tended to my needs even before I became aware of them myself. If you have the opportunity to work with Katia, seize the moment!! She is an angel with the deepest of integrity, love, devotion and expertise.”
    —Priya Surago

  • “Katia was our doula for the birth of our baby boy. This is our first child and we had never worked with a doula before, but we thought it would be helpful to have a doula to support and advocate for us. We are so happy we decided to work with Katia!

    Katia is warm, empathetic and caring. Upon meeting her, we immediately felt at ease. She was flexible with prenatal visits and responsive to our needs and questions. She did a great job of helping both my partner and I feel prepared for what was to come.

    During labor and birth she made all the difference to us. She was patient, calm and responsive, and had so many strategies for helping my labor progress and move forward. She helped us stick with our birth plan as much as possible and was a huge mental and emotional support for both my partner and I. I especially appreciate how she helped my partner be so involved, and how well they worked together as a team to support me. I truly felt cared for. Katia has a special gift for guiding people through their birth journey. Thank you Katia for helping us become parents and making it such a positive experience for us!”
    —Lani Reed

  • “Katia facilitated a beautiful ceremony called a blessing way to celebrate me and my unborn daughter with a few close family and friends. The blessing way was one of the most precious experiences during my pregnancy and I will cherish that memory forever.”
    —Kelly Hendricks

  • “Katia was an absolute joy to work with. Her calming presence was the number one reason my partner and I chose her. From the moment we interviewed her, we just felt right. She was very attentive and supportive throughout our pregnancy and birth journey - not only to myself, but my partner as well. She catered to our birth preferences, our learning styles and our individual personalities. You can tell this isn’t a job, but a passion for her. She was invested in the birth planning process - listening and answering all our questions, providing resources and encouraging empowerment for the birth process. During labor, she was immediately invested in providing comfort and motivation. She empowered us to have the most beautiful birth experience. She had everything we needed before we knew we needed it and she took priceless photos to capture the moments. After birth, she followed up with all three of us and provided support and guidance for the postpartum time. Katia has been fantastic to share this journey with! She went above and beyond to provide us the empowered birth we envisioned. We would definitely recommend her to anyone!”
    —Brook Hevalow

  • “We were very fortunate to be connected with Katia for our labor doula. She stood out for her grounded, calm, responsiveness, and empathy, in the prenatal period as well as during labor. I am especially grateful that my husband felt comfortable asking her for advice. It helped him care for me with greater confidence. I cannot imagine going through birth without Katia's support!”
    —Aparna Farooq

  • “My session with Katia felt so comfortable—like an old friend witnessing me through the lense of a motherly love. Whatever arose, she accepted and invited my breath to be the guide of my own healing. It was easy to surrender into her care and touch, a ceremony of relaxation and self contemplation. I loved talking about my womb with Katia and I left feeling recharged, with new tools for prioritizing self love and clarity around what love I deserve to feel. I’d recommend Katia’s services to any woman or person who longs for a deeper connection with their inner feminine as a guide and a source for healing.”
    —Kate Hockett

  • “We are grateful to have had Katia as our doula for the birth of our daughter in Aug 2021. We had quite a bit of anxiety as this was our first child and had no idea what to expect during labor. As soon as we met Katia she helped ease all the anxiety and calm our nerves. She walked us through the different stages of labor so we knew what to expect. We also learned valuable birthing positions and techniques to help mitigate pain. Katia always made sure to include dad in the process so he always felt like he had an important role. In no way would Katia replace dad. She was always there as a guide and trusted advisor. Our goal was to have an un medicated birth, and through Katia’s support we were able to achieve that. What makes Katia so special is her warm, calm and patient demeanor. We felt more prepared and confident for the birth of our baby girl by working with Katia. We recommend Katia to anyone looking for a compassionate, positive, and reassuring Doula.”

    -Teresa Castaneda